Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Top Street Style Women’s Fashion & Accessory Trends You Must Watch Out In 2019!

Fresh and new styles give every fashion –forward women an adrenalin rush. Whether you believe or not, but today, are always looking forward do what’s trending and what’s not. From flipping fashion magazine’s pages to window-shopping to check out the latest trend to reading through endless number of fashion blogs, the craze of staying up-to-date with the latest trend indeed make high-fashion women do all these things.
With every changing season, industry delivers a new set of fashion trends every time. Hence, it is very challenging for a woman to keep herself up-to-date with the changing styles. Therefore, if you love to experiment with their street-style look, then this blog post is for you. Below are some of the latest-in-trend fashion & accessories which you must considered and infuse into your casual, daily wear wardrobe to stay casually fashionable. You can get all the latest collection of fashion and accessories at the best price by using Farfetch 折扣碼, a premier online shopping store that help you get the best of fashion product at affordable rates.
Now, let’s take a look at the top street-style fashion & accessories which you must incorporated into your casual and funky look in 2018-
Street-Style Fashion & Accessories Trends 2018!
1 # Frill Bottom Pants-
Frills and ruffles are the biggest hit since past few years and is still ruling the fashion world. This year, instead of depending on dresses and tops for that frilly fix in your casual look, go for frill-hem or ankle pants. Ruffle trim in wide-leg pants are undoubtedly a statement innovation which you must opt for sure in 2018. The unmissable ruffles or frills in your pants will help you get that absolutely casual but bold look.
2 # Bell Sleeve Trend-
One of the major trends gaining immense popularity in the fashion industry today is bell sleeve. Be it the ethnic attire of casual outfit, bell sleeves are rocking both the ways. Flaring out wide towards the wrist whilst fitted on shoulder, the bell sleeve trend is capable of transforming the look of any piece of cloth. From the coolest tops, even the quirky knitted ones to sleek dresses, you will slay like diva on the street with this trend as it add a unique dose of fashion to even the simplest outfit.
3 # Baker Boy Hats-
A modified and redesigned age-old fashion accessory, Baker boy hat is gaining immense popularity amongst fashion-forward ladies. In 2018, the classic cap is looking way better than before. Casual and cool, baker boy hats make up a perfect weekend ensemble. Whether you are wearing a dress, a chunky knit or basic jeans or t-shirt, the hat hooks absolutely stylish with everything.
4 # Transparent Shoes And Sandals-
The clear shoes and sandal trends are new this season. You find many working ladies and college going girls swinging around in see-through footwear stilettos today. The trendy clear shoe styles are refined with creativity. Think of an elegant pump with single-sole heels and understated side panels that creates a barely-there effect.
This season, if you are thinking of opting minimalist style then get yourself a trendy pair of see-through sandal and pair them up with almost any attire be it a dress, a basic jeans & top or even a semi-formal attire.
5 # Colored Aviators-
While in 2018, retro revival trend continues to flourish, it has brought color-tinted aviators into limelight. From the classic black aviators back then to tinted pink, blue and even reflective mirror aviators today, these sunglasses are simply the most-loved street-style accessories. The understated color infusion creates a more subtle and gentle look.
So, these are top street-style trends you must go for in 2018. You can buy all the latest-in-trend street-style fashion items at unmatched prices by using Charles & Keith 折扣

Monday, 3 June 2019





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Friday, 4 January 2019

6 Fashion Trends To Watch Out In 2019!

2019 is finally here and we will be turning over a new sartorial leaf in terms of fashion trends. Gone are the days when we used to look up to runway show for latest fashion trends, today, whatever unique and different we see on the street, and if you love it then it becomes a fashion trend for you. Today, this is how fashion trends are booming around the world.
Exaggerated tailoring is the new game of fashion trends today; it is all about embracing puffy sleeves, asymmetrical silhouettes, and many more statement-making trends to streamline your closet in a more experimental realm.
This year, make your life a little more colorful, fun and stylish by infusing some of the most loved fashion trends of 2018-2019. Below are some trends you must watch out this year for sure. Moreover, you can grab exclusive deals and offers on your favorite brand’s high-fashioned clothing by signing-up to reliable fashion portals so as to browse and choose from the widest collection.
While you shop online for latest fashion clothing, you must avail codes such as Farfetch 促銷代碼 so as to enjoy maximum discounts, offers and savings on quality products. By doing so, you will easily get to save upon branded fashion clothes shopping.
Have a look at what fashion trends are likely to be adopted by high-fashioned people this year-

1 # Oversized Puffers!

Oversized puffers are the most embraced trend of the year, because New Year’s week means most of the countries will be witnessing extreme cold. Thus, puffers are a perfect way to ring in the New Year with style and warmth, both at the same time. As the temperature continues to plummet, fashion experts start embracing gigantic puffer style, making it a more fashionable staple than ever before. Hence, oversized puffers are warmest outer layer you can get your hands on this year.

2 # Bike Shorts!

If your new year resolution is fitness and you’ve decided to hit gym regular and concentrate on your workout even more than you used to before, then you must buy a biker short for yourself. Being super trendy sportswear, the demand of these shorts had begun to increase slowly at the end of 2018. With 2019, biker shorts have made a full-force come back and you must get yourself one or two of it for sure this year.

3 # Puff Sleeves!

Even with the most understated and minimal style, silhouettes are rapidly growing in terms of shape. However, this year fashion experts are opting more of a tailored approach to state-making trends, they are infusing the ultra-feminine puff sleeves to jazz the look a little more. Puff sleeves look absolutely stylish while incorporated with perfect-fitting silhouettes.  The sleeves detailing is greatly loved by women nowadays.

4 # Exaggerated Ruffles!

Dramatic detailing in the form of ruffles is coming back with fervor. This is because we’ve been seeing more and more oversized ruffles in the past few months, especially on the red carpet. Famous celebrities like Kiki Layne are seen wearing an exaggerated ruffle-detail dress with an artistic twist on the red carpet recently.

5 # Cargo Pants!

Being a fashion trend of the 90s and early aughts, cargo pants are currently booming with the logo-clad sportswear, dad’s sneakers, slip dresses and mom’s jeans. Whether slim, straight-lined or wide-legged, cargo pants are among those utilitarian inspired bottoms, which will be making a huge comeback in the year 2019. These are super comfortable and versatile enough to be worn for a casual outing with friends and also for gym workouts.

6 # Faux Fur!

Faux fur is another most loved fashion trend which was started in the mid of 2018 and will be booming even in 2019 also. Even though designers have taken a stance against the animal cruelty, omitting exotic material and fur for their designs, they still cozy up their design with your favorite teddy bear faux pieces all winter long.
So, this is it with the latest fashion trends that are worth looking out in 2019. You can choose from the widest collection of trendy designer outfits and buy at reasonable rates by using Zalora 促銷代碼.